GUI402LC P-51 Mustang Laser Cut Kit, 27.5"
Inventory :
Product Details
Key Features
- Designed to be built as a magnifcent static display model, a flying rubber powered gas free flight or a U-Control model
- Laser cut balsa parts
In The Box
- Complete set of decals
- Scale WW2 plastic wheels
- Light plastic nose cowl
- Spinner
- Gun troughs
- Exhausts
- Air scoops
- Rubber motor
- Light tissue covering
- Clay for balancing model
- Reinforced wire and vinyl landing gear
- Generous quantities of strip and balsa stock
- Bubble canopies with window areas
- Clearly defined plastic props
- Vinyl firewall, tip guide, bellcrank base and control handle for gas and U-Control included.
The North American P-51 Mustang was probably the best all-around single-seat piston engine fighter to be used in World War 2. The first U.S.A.A.F. combat group arrived in Britain in November 1943 and from then until the end of the war, the P-51 earned an enviable reputation as a long-range fighter-escort for the B-17 and B-24 bombers raiding deep in the heart of the German homeland.